www.tndte.com - Tamilnadu Diploma Results 2012
Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education Conducts Examination for Various Diploma and Degree Examination Like Polytechnic and Engineering.
There were thousands of students for diploma studies who have taken part in this exam which was conducted by TNDTE Tamilnadu Diploma Results 2012during April this year.
Now they all can’t wait for more to know their Tamilnadu Diploma Results 2012 but they have to wait till it’s been declare by authorities as declaration process is not in our hand.
In the below link enter your number to get your result of www.tndte.com - Tamilnadu Diploma Results 2012 at soon on http://www.tndte.com/result/
acpdc.in Diploma 1st Allotment List 2018 has recently published the 1st allotment list 2018 for the admission in engineering.